The Lotus BlossomsInfo About the Readings
What to expect when you have a reading
It is best if before you have a reading that you abstain from alcohol consumption and any illicit drugs. This influence will throw off your energy and allow negativity to be prevalent throughout your session. If you have time it is helpful if you take a few moments to meditate on a particular area which you feel you need guidance. The most important thing to do is relax and be calm.
Before I start a reading, I tell the person to think of what they want guidance in their life. It is not my business to know so I feel that this is your information. I treat all of my readings and work as sacred. All sessions are confidential and private.
I begin each session with a prayer holding the person’s hands. I say a prayer of protection asking for messages for the client’s highest and best. I then ask the client to shuffle the deck of cards. When they are done; I divide the deck and interpret the cards. It is during this time that I also deliver messages. At times, I am able to see events in the person’s future or current issues the client is experiencing. All of my messages and reading are positive allowing for growth and spiritual development. My intention is to provide an inspirational reading for you to become your highest and most authentic self.